L. FERNANDEZ, J. ORTEGA, J. PALOMAR, F. TOLEDO, E. MARRERO. Description of the Behavior of Dichloroalkanes-Containing Solutions with Three [bXmpy][4] Isomer, Using the Experimental Information of Thermodynamic Properties, 1H-NMR Spectral and the COSMO-RS Methodology. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110: 3527-3534 (2015).
A. ROMERO, A. SANTOS, D. LORENZO, J. ORTEGA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, N. PÉREZ. Estimación de propiedades termofísicas mediante métodos de contribución de grupos de 40 compuestos que intervienen en el proceso de producción de la ciclohexanona. Revista Academia Canaria de Ciencias, vol. XXV: 25-48 (2013)(publicado en 2015).
L. FERNANDEZ, J. ORTEGA, N. PEREZ, F. TOLEDO. Mixing properties of ester-containing solutions: A study on the ternary (methyl alkanoate (pentanoate and methanoate)+methanol and the corresponding binaries. New contributions to the (ester+ester) interactions. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 86: 89-89 (2015).
L. FERNANDEZ, I. DE LA NUEZ, J. ORTEGA, J.M. PACHECO. Representación analítica y gráfica de propiedades de soluciones líquidas empleando un modelo basado en fracciones activas. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, vol. XXV: 49-64 (2013)(publicado en 2015).
- A. CASADO, S. GUERRA, J. PLACIDO. Wigner representation for entanglement swapping using paramtric down conversion: the role of vacuum fluctuations in teleportation. Journal of Modern Optics. 62: 377-386 (2015).
J. ORTEGA, F.J. TOLEDO, I. BROUARD. Una nueva serie de líquidos iónicos dicatiónicos. Halogenuros de 1,ω-bis-(3-metilimidazolio-1-il)-Alcano(ω=1-6).Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, vol. XXV: 65-76 (2013)(publicado en 2015).
A. CASADO, S. GUERRA, J. PLACIDO. Estudio mediante el formalismo de la función de Wigner, de los efectos de la radiación de punto cero en la generación del bit cuántico fotónico. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, vol. XXVI: 37-60 (2014)(publicado en 2015).
I. DE LA NUEZ, J.J. QUINTANA, J. ORTEGA. Modelo térmico de los supercondensadores EDLC para aplicaciones en almacenamiento de energía. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, vol. XXVI: 61-81 (2014)(publicado en 2015).
A. CASADO, S. GUERRA, J. PLACIDO. Wigner representation for entanglement swapping using paramtric down conversion: the role of vacuum fluctuations in teleportation. Journal of Modern Optics. vol. 62 (5): 377-386(2015).
J. ORTEGA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, G. SABATER. Solutions of alkyl methanoates and alkanes: Simultaneous modeling of phase equilibria and mixing properties. Estimation of behavior by UNIFAC with recalculation of parameters. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 402: 38-49 (2015).
I. DE LA NUEZ, L. FERNÁNDEZ, J. ORTEGA. Un nuevo sistema de detección para la medida experimental de equilibrio líquido-líquido. Aplicación a sistemas de líquidos iónicos con compuestos halogenados. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, vol. XXVI: 97-111 (2013)(publicado en 2015).
E. PEREZ, J. ORTEGA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, J. WISNIAK, J. CANOSA. Contributions to the modeling and behavior of solutions containing ethanoates and hydrocarbons. New experimental data for binaries of butyl ester with alkanes (C5-C10). Fluid Phase Equilibria, 412: 79-93 (2016).
J. ORTEGA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, M. CASTRO, E. ORTEGA, R. RIOS. A study on alkane+ester+ester systems. Physicochemical behavior of binaries and ternaries of ocatane or iso-octane with methyl esters (ethanoate, butanoate, pentanoate). Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 61: 1177-1191 (2016).
L. FERNÁNDEZ, J. ORTEGA, J. WISNIAK. Análisis de la consistencia termodinámica de los datos de equilibrio de fases, I. Una revisión de los test más empleados. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, vol. XXVII: 51-70 (2015)(publicado en 2016).
A. SOSA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, J. ORTEGA, E. PÉREZ. La modelización termodinámica en la simulación de un proceso de rectificación. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, vol. XXVII: 7-32 (2015)(publicado en 2016).
J. WISNIAK, J. ORTEGA, L. FERNÁNDEZ. A fresh look at the thermodynamic consistency of vapour-liquid equilibria data. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 105:385-395 (2017).
J. WISNIAK, J. ORTEGA, L. FERNÁNDEZ. Analysis of the VLE data in “Measurement and correlations of density, viscosity, and vapour-liquid equilibrium for fluoro alcohols. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 107: 216-220 (2017).
- L. FERNANDEZ, L.P. SILVA, M.A.R. MARTINS, O. FERREIRA, J, ORTEGA, S.P. PINHO, J.A.P COUTINHO. Indirect assessment of the fusion properties of choline chloride from solid-liquid equilibria data. Fluid Phase Equilibria 448: 9-14 (2017).
C.P. SONG, R.N. RAMANANA, R. VIJAYARAGHAVAN, D.R. MACFARLANE, E.-S CHAN, J.A.P COUTINHO, L. FERNANDEZ, C.W. OOI. Primary and secondary aqueous two-phase systems composed of thermo switchable polymers and bio-derived ionic liquids. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 115:191-201 (2017).
L. FERNANDEZ, J. ORTEGA, J. WISNIAK. New computational tool to evaluate experimental VLE and VLLE data of multicomponent systems. Computer and Chemical Engineering 106: 437-463 (2017).
L. FERNANDEZ, J. ORTEGA, J. WISNIAK. A rigorous method to evaluate the consistency of experimental data in phase equilibria. Application to VLE and VLLE. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal (AIChE J) 63: 5125-5148 (2017).
J. PLÁCIDO, J. ORTEGA, L. FERNANDEZ, A. SOSA. Molecular interactions in methanoate/alkanol solutions. Computation of mixing properties and characterization by FTIR/ATR spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Liquids 248: 725-737 (2017).
E.A. CRESPO, L.P. SILVA, M.A.R. MARTINS, L. FERNANDEZ, J. ORTEGA, O. FERREIRA, G. SADOWSKI, C. HELD, S.P. PINHO, J.A.P. COUTINHO. Characterization and Modeling of the Liquid Phase of Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Fatty Acids/Alcohols and Choline Chloride. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 56: 12192-12202 (2017).
R. RÍOS, J. ORTEGA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, A. SOSA. Strategy for the Management of Thermodynamic Data with Application to Practical Cases of Systems Formed by Esters and Alkanes Through: Experimental Information, Checking-Modeling and Simulation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57: 3410-3429 (2018).
L.P. SILVA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, J.HF. CONCEICAO, M.A.R. MARTINS, A. SOSA, J. ORTEGA, S.P. PINHO, J.A.P. COUTINHO. Design and Characterization of Sugar-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents Using Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 6(8): 10724-10734 (2018).
- A. CASADO, S. GUERRA, J. PLACIDO. Rome teleportation experiment analysed in the Wigner representation: The role of the zeropoint fluctuations in complete one-photon polarization-momentum Bell-state analysis. Journal of Modern Optics 65:1960-1974 (2018).
R. RIOS, A. SOSA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, J. ORTEGA. Azeotropy: A Limiting Factor in Separation Operations in Chemical Engineering. Analysis, Experimental Techniques, Modeling and Simulation on Binary Solutions of Ester-Alkane. Cap. 8: 140-173. Laboratory Unit Operations and Experimental Methods in Chemical Engineering. Ed. Intech-Open, U.K. 2018. (ISBN: 978-1-78984-056-8).
C. HERRERA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, J. ORTEGA, S. LÓPEZ, A. SOSA. Design of the Distillation-Extraction Tandem to Separate Ethyl Propanoate from Heptane Solutions Using Pyridinium-Derived Organic Salts as Entrainers. Its Use as a Potential Bioactive Compound. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58: 973-983 (2019).
A. SOSA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, J. ORTEGA, L. JIMÉNEZ. The Parametrization Problem in the Modeling of the Thermodynamic Behavior of Solutions. An Approach Based on Information Theory Fundamentals. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58: 12876-12893 (2019).
L. FERNÁNDEZ, J. ORTEGA, J. WISNIAK. Extension of the Validation Method for Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data to Systems with non-Volatile Components. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal (AIChE J). 65(8): e16628 (2019).
N. HAARMANN, A. SOSA, J. ORTEGA, G. SADOWSKI. Measurements and Prediction of Excess Properties of Binary Mixturres of Methyl Decanoate+an Even–Numered n-Alkane (C6-C16) at 298.15. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 64: 2816-2825 (2019).
A. CASADO, S. GUERRA, J. PLACIDO. From stochastic optics to the Wigner formalism: The role of the vacuum field in optical quantum communication experiments. Atoms Journal, 7, 76 (2019). doi:103390/atoms7030076.
A. SOSA, J. ORTEGA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, J.M. PACHECO, J. WISNIAK, A. ROMERO. Further Advance to a Practical Methodology to Assess Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data: Influence on Binaries Rectification. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 64: 3933-3944 (2019).
A. SOSA, L. FERNÁNDEZ, E. GÓMEZ, E. A. MACEDO, J. ORTEGA. A practical fitting method involving a trade-off decision in the parametrization procedure of a thermodynamic model and its repercussion on distillation processes. Cap. 4. Distillation-Modelling, Simulation and Optimization. Ed. Intech-Open, U.K. 2019. (ISBN: 978-1-78923-915-7).